We are Sarah and Brandon Lyons of LettersToSarah Metalsmithing. We've been by each others side for a decade, and have been working together creating and building LTS from the ground up since June of 2013- almost five years now. We started our jewelry business from scratch- investing our last dollars and building it tool by tool in our dingy garage in Kalamazoo, MI- and have grown it into our full time job, specializing in hand fabricated custom jewelry. We recently moved to a new location in Southfield, MI, where we are busy renovating our soon-to-be-gorgeous studio to include not just our metalsmithing, but also a showroom, classes, and DIY workshops.
Over the past five years we have learned so much about the jewelry industry, self employment, metalsmithing techniques, small business, fashion, design, marketing, living a creative and meaningful life, and so much more, and we want to share what we've learned and where were going, to build community around what we've established. A few years back, we blogged a little about the business, but it didn't feel right. It didn't get a lot of engagement, we weren't inspired to write a lot, and it was challenging to front as an authority when we ourselves were learning so much. It takes a long time to build something worthwhile, especially when you run in head first and have to find your way as you go. If you've ever heard Neil Gaiman talk about the fraud police, you get it. But after a while, you find your footing. The unfamiliar becomes familiar. You learn and grow. You show your art to the world, people connect with it, sometimes people love it so much it moves them. The more you find your place, the easier it is to be vulnerable in it.
So here we are. A few years into this unpredictable journey, and ready to start blogging again. This blog is here to connect you- LTS wearers, jewelry lovers, metalsmiths, random humans on the internet- to things we have learned and loved. We'll be using this as a creative space to share our experiences about building a creative life, technical metalsmithing information and demos, fashion and jewelry tips for the everyday wearer, cultural reflections, small business tips, and more.
We welcome your engagement, thoughts, post requests, questions, etc.
With love,
Sarah and Brandon